Weight loss clinic gold coast
Discover evidence-based approaches to weight management with Core Specialist Group, a comprehensive weight loss clinic here at the Gold Coast and surrounding area.
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Weight loss doctor Gold Coast
Mapping your weight loss journey
At Core Specialist Group, we understand that weight loss can be a challenging and long journey. That is why we are committed to helping you find the right weight loss program.
There are a few things to consider; the most important one is to have realistic expectations. Losing weight requires patience, dedication and a long-term commitment.
If you are not eligible for a surgical procedure, or you would rather lose weight through lifestyle changes and medications, Core Specialist Group can help.
Comprehensive assessment
When you come and visit our weight loss GP here at Core Specialist Group, we’ll make sure we understand your current health situation, past experiences and what you hope to achieve.
During your first consultation, we will ask you quite a few questions, so that we get an insight into your medical history as well as understand potential patterns. When did weight become a problem for you? Was it during childhood, your teenage years, after you were pregnant or later in life?
We will discuss what you have tried before, what has worked in the past, what didn’t and why you think that is. Weight loss is more than just numbers on a scale. It’s about feeling happier in your skin, feeling healthier and more energetic.
It is important that we know your daily lifestyle habits and how a typical meal looks like.
Screening for underlying medical conditions
We will also screen for potential conditions such as PCOS, testosterone deficiency, Cushing’s syndrome, sleeping disorders or any other issues that may impact your weight. Identifying these conditions is important as they may contribute to your weight gain or prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals.
Sharing knowledge about obesity and potential complications
Obesity is not just an aesthetic matter. It impacts your overall health and may result in medical challenges.
Common complications are diabetes, fatty liver, sleep apnoea, reduced fertility, PCOS, Cushing’s syndrome and osteoarthritis.
Heart and blood vessel complications may occur such as high blood pressure, and you may be at higher risk for coronary artery disease and stroke.
Weight loss treatment plan
Tailored weight loss plans
Once you have been assessment, we provide comprehensive medical weight loss programs that are tailored to your individual needs. We will work with you to create a plan that includes lifestyle changes, medications, supplements, and bariatric surgery if needed.
We will discuss what you have tried before, what has worked in the past, what didn’t and why you think that is. Weight loss is more than just numbers on a scale. It’s about feeling happier in your skin, feeling healthier and more energetic.
Embracing a healthier future starts with the right medical guidance. At Core Specialist Group we offer evidence-based, holistic weight loss approaches, ensuring your weight loss journey is safe and effective.
Weight loss clinic Gold Coast
Core Specialist Group for medical weight loss
At Core Specialist Group, your health and comfort are our highest priority. If you are considering gastric sleeve surgery and are looking for compassionate and exceptional patient care, please get in touch with our friendly team. With consulting rooms in Tugun, Lismore (NSW), Ballina (NSW) and Byron Bay (NSW) we will make you feel at ease in the lead up to your consultation and possible weight loss surgery.